Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Carpal Tunnel Surgery. Not Quite What I Expected.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 was the day I had my carpal tunnel surgery.  I wasn't sure what to expect. But, after almost 30 years of suffering (if you can call it that) from carpal tunnel syndrome and recently finding out that some of my right thumb muscle had died, I was finally receiving much needed and long overdue, surgery to fix it.

I had been told that a chiropractor could possibly relieve, or cure, the symptoms of carpal tunnel. But for me, that treatment was long overdue. Maybe if I'd been treated by a chiropractor 25 years ago, the surgery would not have been necessary. However, this was not so. For me with the extent of the damage to my hands, surgery was the only option.

After reading the literature I was given regarding carpal tunnel surgery, I felt a little more prepared. During surgery, "The median nerve is directly visualized and therefore the contents of the carpal tunnel can be safely decompressed by releasing the transverse carpal ligament." (  And so, I am currently in the healing stages of my first carpal tunnel surgery for my right hand. I must say, I am impressed with the speedy recovery I am experiencing. My surgery was a little over 2 weeks ago, I wore a cast past my elbow for 12 days having it removed 2 days ago.  I was given hand exercises to do as part of my physical therapy, and albeit painful at times, I am almost, almost, back to full use of my right hand. I am typing this with both hands right now. 

I am very happy I finally had carpal tunnel surgery and am glad that I am on my way to a full recovery of being pain free and having no more numbness in my hand. Thanks to an excellent orthopedic surgeon, who is also one of the doctors who treat the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Gotta love it!

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