Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Carpal Tunnel Surgery. Not Quite What I Expected.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 was the day I had my carpal tunnel surgery.  I wasn't sure what to expect. But, after almost 30 years of suffering (if you can call it that) from carpal tunnel syndrome and recently finding out that some of my right thumb muscle had died, I was finally receiving much needed and long overdue, surgery to fix it.

I had been told that a chiropractor could possibly relieve, or cure, the symptoms of carpal tunnel. But for me, that treatment was long overdue. Maybe if I'd been treated by a chiropractor 25 years ago, the surgery would not have been necessary. However, this was not so. For me with the extent of the damage to my hands, surgery was the only option.

After reading the literature I was given regarding carpal tunnel surgery, I felt a little more prepared. During surgery, "The median nerve is directly visualized and therefore the contents of the carpal tunnel can be safely decompressed by releasing the transverse carpal ligament." (  And so, I am currently in the healing stages of my first carpal tunnel surgery for my right hand. I must say, I am impressed with the speedy recovery I am experiencing. My surgery was a little over 2 weeks ago, I wore a cast past my elbow for 12 days having it removed 2 days ago.  I was given hand exercises to do as part of my physical therapy, and albeit painful at times, I am almost, almost, back to full use of my right hand. I am typing this with both hands right now. 

I am very happy I finally had carpal tunnel surgery and am glad that I am on my way to a full recovery of being pain free and having no more numbness in my hand. Thanks to an excellent orthopedic surgeon, who is also one of the doctors who treat the Jacksonville Jaguars.

Gotta love it!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Just Now 12:45, September 2, 2014

     Here I am considering what to post on my next blog when my son gets a call on his cell phone.  This particular son is currently "homeless", meaning, he moved out of his apartment and is living between, me, his Dad, and friends.

     The call stated that the company had received information from one of his friends or family regarding...... and get this.... a home security system.  My son stated this company obviously had the wrong number since he has no friends or family. And I reminded him that he literally has no home of which to put a security system, either.

     This reminded me of a call I received the other day regarding refinancing my home. When I asked the person, we'll call him "John", which company he was with, he responded but then proceeded with his sales pitch as to why I should refinance with his company. I then asked him if he was a real person.  "John" told me that a lot of people have told him he sounds like a computer, but he was a real person.  Again, he proceeded with his pitch. I then asked him to remind me which company he was with, he took a long pause, and again proceeded with his sales pitch. I asked him several questions of which he did not answer. So, I asked him again if he was an "actual individual".  Again, he responded with more of his sales pitch. I told him I was going to end the call because he was not answering my questions and again he proceeded with his sales pitch. So I hung up.

     What aggravates me the most is that companies now are using artificial "intelligence" for their sales calls and then programming these A.I. units to convince people that they are actual humans.

     For one thing, people are not that stupid. For another, this artificial intelligence unit (and I use intelligence lightly) has taken  a real person's job!  In essence, we don't have to worry about where the jobs are going, because these large corporations are using A.I. units now.

     The job market has just been decreased by A.I. units pretending to be humans, V.O.i.P. calls, scanners, cameras, and any other "things" that people consider a convenience.

     The next technological advance will be people pushing entire carts full of groceries through a "scanner", of which will allow all items to be scanned and paid for in one sweep.  How?  RFID's. Soon.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Website Reviews

I have found something new to do at home and I am really enjoying my new task!  Website reviews! I have the opportunity to review various websites via computer or mobile device and I'm getting paid for my time, which is a perk because I am truly enjoying my new job!

I came across this link a few months ago via a work at home site.  The link, of website testing, sounded intriguing, so I clicked on the link, filled out the necessary information and signed up! I really did not realize I would enjoy testing different websites as much as I do!

The first website test was very slow since it was my first time testing a website. The task entails going to the provided link and "thinking out loud". Meaning everything that's going on in your head while you are visiting the website MUST come out of your mouth. And for me, that's not difficult! lol  And I am finding that I want to participate in more and more website reviews!

These website tests, or reviews, are very interesting and informative. I've even continued to use the app I discovered via this site! And I've earned extra from one of the app as well!  Now, understand, the amounts of money I earned are not a lot, but every little bit helps.

I must say, for those of you looking to earn a little extra from home, this is the place. The link to the website is: Sign up and see if you qualify!  All you need is a computer with a microphone and web cam. (I haven't used my webcam yet, only the one I have for my mobile tests of which the company sent to me. You have to complete several tests to qualify for mobile testing.)

Have fun! I know I have!